Fences and the laundry room

Every week brings us closer and closer to this house turning into our forever home. It’s still in pretty bad shape all around, but it’s getting there. Greg is working hard to do what he can after work and on our already busy weekends.

For the past couple of weeks, we have been focusing on the fence. It’s a lot bigger of a project than anyone anticipated, really. The fence blocked off the entire front yard and driveway from the road, over 100 feet across. Once we decided to give this project the green light, I tore down all of the fence posts in about 2 hours (they were all pretty rotted, only took the swing of a hammer for most of them to fly off the frame). The next day, Greg had a dumpster here, and by the weekend there was no fence in sight, and the dumpster was full.


I didn’t get a picture of the fence before I started tearing it out, unfortunately. I tend to forget a lot of things nowadays. But to the left is our driveway (there is more fence that got torn out on the other side of the driveway) and those two white posts sticking up about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall was the corner of the front yard fence.

Last weekend, he focused on getting the trench dug out for the concrete curb that we are putting in, and he set the forms in for said curb (I got to help with that a little). Yesterday, my brother came over to help set all of the fence posts in for this first side of the yard.


I think it looks pretty good so far. I’m excited to get the concrete poured, and the boards bolted on. After this, it’s on to the second side, and then I can let the dogs out unsupervised to use up some energy. Things are getting done. Very slowly, but they are getting there.

The laundry room is actually almost done now, too, except the finishing touches just like the bathroom. We still need to caulk the trim and get a new sliding door, but it’s definitely usable now. It used to be a very small bathroom, with a tiny shower. I believe I’ve share the next couple pictures before, but who wants to go looking for the “before.”laundry1


This one was of the bathroom gutted and most of the mold taken care of.

I have to say, I’m pretty proud of Greg for the “almost finished” project. I no longer have to walk outside to the washroom to start a load of laundry.


(The dryer is missing because we have a gas dryer, and wanted an electric in here. We didn’t run a gas line, so I’m still using the dryer in the patio.)

I really don’t like panoramic pictures of this room, because it’s long and not very deep, so it always looks weird. But you get the idea. Right now, the cats have taken over, that way they have a space away from the dogs that they can escape to if they need. There will eventually be some cabinets on the right side of the room, and a wall cabinet for cleaning supplies. On top of that will be a little kitty loft, complete with steps on the far wall for them to use to get up there.

Everything is coming along, it all just takes a lot of time and money. I ask myself every day if grandma and grandpa would be happy about what we are doing with the house. I truly hope they would be.

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